EP 121: Astrology & Wellness Forecst March 24th - 30th, 2025

Today’s episode walks you through this week’s astrology + practical and magical tactics to help you harness and navigate the energetics March 24th - 30th, 2025

Last week was quiet AND full of wild cards. The sun shifted into Aries, and had two cazimis. It was a week that brought awareness to our vitality, where we shine, or where we don't. What gems did you glean out of last week?

Last week did you:

  • Get on the mat 2 - 4xs? 
  • Listen to three NEW episodes on The Magic Spark?  
  • Embrace simplicity?


This week is big. Very, very big. It's one of the weeks we've been anticipating for this unprecedented astrological year of 2025.


This week: 

  • Get on the mat 2 - 4xs 
  • Listen to two NEW episode on The Magic Spark 
  • Watch the New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse Tarot Reading in the UWS member Library.
  • Use the 8 min Chakra Balance Energy Healing in your UWS member Library. 


Monday, March 24th: 

- Happy Mo(o)nday. We start big right out of the gate with the  Sun conjunct Mercury. It's yet another cazimi! Wild card. Power wash. Reboot. Today it's the messenger of the gods. Trickster, patron of travelers, merchants, and thieves. Quite the combo, our Mr. Mercury.


- New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse Tarot Reading. Create space this week to watch your reading in the Unicorn Wellness Studio member library.  If you don't watch any of our readings all year, WATCH THE ECLIPSE READINGS!


Tuesday, March 25th:   

- Black Moon Lilith moves into Scorpio. This is a transit worth mentioning in this community because Lilith is one of our main guides and space holders.

This is one of three Lilith placements in a chart, so please know they each represent something slightly different.

Black moon Lilith is a mathematical point in the sky that represents the farthest shadow cast from our personal moon. It represents our deepest shadow in this lifetime and will absolutely always have something to do with our sexuality, perspectives on sex, particularly if/where it breeds shame or judgement.

Short cut here - Lilith wants you to have a healthy relationship to sex and says nothing is off limits if it's consensual and safe. Lilith teaches us judgments all need to be tempered with 'says who?' and 'consider the source' as well as our classic 'is this equitable...and to who?'.

Black Moon Lilith spends nine months in each sign. A gestation period. A nod to her as a goddess of blood, sex magic, and womb space healing. She moves through the chart lighting up our shame and shadows to illuminate for reclamation and empowerment.

She challenges all things that try to make us feel small or 'under' another.

She is the epitome of dismantling internalized patriarchy.

She is voice and communication.

And she will test us.

When this placement moves into Scorpio she pushes us as a collective to go into all the taboo spaces.



Wednesday, March 26th: 

- First Day of New Moon Eclipse Energy. New moons ask us to go dark, just like them. Hermit away. Meditate, rest and restore. It's an incredibly magical time in the cycle and the eclipse ramps it up. Prioritize whatever it is you need in order to continue towards your goals. 


 - EP 122 on The Magic Spark. Is a surprise! As I write this newsletter I'm not sure the best route to take for this episode. It might be an audio offering on The Hermit card (the card of 2025), the audio of the new moon eclipse reading, or a personal note of additional channeled messaging mid-week.  


- Day 1 of New Moon Ease #1  - You'll need a yoga strap for this workout, but a scarf, belt or towel can work in a pinch. This is the first of our two constructive rest videos under this new moon cycle.

It's week 1 of our 4 week training cycle.

It's the best time to begin a mat practice with me, or to return. It's all flexibility and mobility. If you've been with me then this is the time when the work we've done prior transitions into results. If you're just starting, you begin soft and ramp up into the practice at its most supported pacing.



Thursday, March 27th:

- Venus Rx backtracks into Pisces. Venus loves to be here. This is her home domain of exaltation. She's had her spa day with the sun (the cazimi) and she's floating on her back in a dreamy ocean of potential. This could feel like a bit of the love (or dopamine) has come back to your life.

This is her second pass at a path she has already tread. It may offer a rebirth of hope and potential.

She's still helping us reevaluate what brings us pleasure and joy in all the realms; partnership, glamour, finances....if you feel like you don't know who you are right now or what you like...our lady Aphrodite will take the blame.


- Venus Neptune Conjunction. And on the very same day our goddess has a tight passage with Neptune. Her higher octave. Dreams, delusions, and all the sensual pleasures. Again, a wild card. We don't know how it will really shake out for each of us. Could be the sweetest kiss of pleasure and trusting what we like and brings us satisfaction. It could equally be a place where we're faced with the delusions of what we keep saying will please us but there are hidden enjoyments wanting to burst through the surface. This could be a confusing trigger or a bold recognition. Ultimately it is divine feminine healing. Lean in. Stay curious. Tread with soft grace through it.


Friday, March 28th:  

- Aphrodite's Day  

It's time to ask: What does my inner goddess need in order to remember she is sacred, divine, and designed to receive? Give awareness to something that soothes, delights, or pleases you. This is ritual. This is sacred. Stand at your altar, in a mirror, or outdoors for this. Connection & reflection are the words this week.


Saturday, March 29th:  

- Day 1 of New Moon Ease #2  - You'll need a set of yoga blocks for this workout. More yummy new moon restoration work. We cover a lot of ground in this one from floor to standing. You'll see sufi rolls, a signature shoulder girdle series, classics like pigeon, down dog and a twisted child's pose, moving into standing hip circles with a classic triangle series. It opens all the nooks and crannies for flow. 


- New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries. This is a flip of the switch for all things Aries. The Universe says 'We're going to try turning it off and on...again'. This lunation completes the eclipse cycle of July 17th, 2023 - January 11th, 2025. The major changes and big pivots have already happened (we hope) and this lunation says this is truly a fresh start and new beginning of potential in the themes of the house Aries sits in in your chart. If you don't know what house Aries sits in for you...it will absolutely be about your empowered leadership in your own life. How do you lead your own narrative? What new narrative will you launch and move forward with with restored and energized resources?


Mercury Rx backtracks into Pisces.  Do we see the game of pacman happening between Aries and Pisces and Venus and Mars this year? Back and forth across the board, multiple times. It's real. There is something about our psychic gifts, spirituality, release, grief, mourning, loss and our benevolent, self centric energy of personal leadership in our individual and collective lives happening. Mercury doesn't so much thrive swimming backwards, but it will once again shift our communication styles to more emotional. More tender. It will once again heighten our intuition and the messages making it through from the unseen.    


Sunday, March 30th:      

 - Neptune moves into Aries. This is epic news. No dramatization in this sentence. This is big. Remember your Moonday news from last week? When we talked about the Neptune cazimi? Welp, today is one of the days that change everything.

Here's a tiny recap; Neptune hasn't been in Aries since the 1860's. This offers us a complete refresh of what we might dream into, removing delusions.

This is considered a new era of creativity and innovation that has so much to do with leadership and identity. It offers societal shifts.

This of course is happening for the collective world stage as well as in our personal lives. Around here we focus on the personal to make the butterfly effect in the collective.

The last time Neptune was here was 1862 - 1875. This was revolution, it's bound to be that again...but with a different story line.


- Mercury Neptune Conjunction. Another wildcard. It's like bumper cars in the cosmos these days. Mercury and Neptune squeak past each other today. Offering either a new entrepreneurial partnership between the higher octave of Venus (Neptune) and our trickster chatterbox Mercury.

Remember that Venus and Mercury are both tricksters...they love a good plot twist. They love to make people sweat it out to have something beautiful happen.

They equally love to stir up chaos that amounts to nothing, for pure amusement.


- Your weekly offering:  

This life is ever spiraling cycles of connection and reflection. 

Sometimes we connect.

Sometimes we need to disconnect.

This time we stand in assessment of where we are and what we need. 

We respond and support what the body tells us - do we need to connect or disconnect. 


No more should's.

No more supposed to's.

Less pro-con lists.

More navigating by our soul compass.


Our 3D lives are reflections of both connection & disconnection. 


Sometimes thriving.

Sometimes flailing.

What has it been more of the time than not?

Therein lies the answer.


Adjust accordingly. 

On the daily.

In honor of your soul. 

In honor of your intuition.


In honor of your magic. 

In honor of you.


YOU are the magic. 


Additional Resources:

  • Activate 30 - days Guest Access on UnicornWellnessStudio.com Offering 30-min classical Pilates workouts in alignment to the astrological season and lunar cycles and Tandy's 41-day food reset at this link here in preparation of the astrological new year. 


Additional Episodes You Might Enjoy:

EP 120: Aries Season Tarot Forecast

EP 119: Aries Season Deep Dive and Astro Forecast : The Astrological New Year is HERE!

EP 117: Cosmic Chaos: Navigating Retrogrades, Eclipses & Goddess Energy

EP 95: Nodes of Fate: Stepping into the Pisces Dream and Leaving Virgo Perfectionism Behind


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