EP 120: Aries Season Tarot Forecast
Aries Season Tarot Forecast
Aries Season March 20th - April 18th 202
This episode offers our Tarot forecast for Aries season plus tarot associations for Aries- The Emperor - and Wands. This episode may have more significance for Aries natives (Sun, rising, or moon in Aries).
Aries Season Significance:
- Sun in Aries marks the astrological New Year!
- Unlike the Gregorian New Year, Aries season is the energetically supported time for new beginnings, resolutions, and major projects.
- Especially favorable for movement, body practices, workouts, and wellness.
Unicorn Wellness Studio:
- Invitation to join UnicornWellnessStudio.com for pilates-based movement aligned with zodiacal and lunar cycles.
- Membership includes:
- 30-minute pilates workouts.
- 20-minute monthly energetic healing/guided meditation.
- New and Full Moon tarot readings.
- New and Full Moon journaling prompts.
- Magic and Astrology tutorials.
- Private community groups.
- Direct support.
Aries Frequency and The Emperor Card:
- Aries is represented by The Emperor in the Tarot (Smith Rider Waite deck).
- Description of The Emperor card:
- Masculine figure on a throne.
- Crown, golden apple (love/sexuality), Egyptian ankh (life/virility).
- Red robe (power, energy, action), grey beard (wisdom).
- Mountains and river (stability, emotional flow, long-term evolution).
- The Emperor embodies the wise, benevolent leader who provides for all through strategic control.
- Imbalance: Capitalism, hierarchy, ego-driven control, selfishness, power hunger.
- Key message: Focus on long-term strategy, not just immediate reactions.
- Questions to consider:
- Do you have a long-term strategy?
- Are you living reactively or proactively?
- Are you willing to sacrifice short term goals for long term goals?
- What are your resources and allies?
- How can you leverage those resources?
- Represents entrepreneurial spirit and self-reliance.
- Invitation to harness solar/masculine/fire aspects:
- What can you begin or ignite?
- What can you create for long-term support?
- How can you constructively will things into your life?
- Reframing willpower: Moving beyond binary views and recognizing the necessity of constructive willpower for manifestation.
- The importance of understanding long term repercussions.
Aries as a Fire Sign:
- Fire element in tarot is represented by Wands.
- Fire signifies enthusiasm, passion, creativity, willpower.
- Time to make things and make things happen
Additional Resources:
- Begin your membership on https://www.unicornwellnessstudio.com/uw-membership Offering 30-min classical Pilates workouts in alignment to the astrological season and lunar cycles and Tandy's 41-day food reset.
- Follow and DM on Instagram @tandy_gutierrez
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