EP 116: Astrology & Wellness Forecast March 10th - 16th, 2025

Today’s episode walks you through this week’s astrology + practical and magical tactics to help you harness and navigate the energetics March 10th - 16th, 2025

Last week was another eerily quiet week in the skies. We only have one transit but were in the soup of it all because of the week before. Did you focus on keeping things manageable and grounded? Did you tend to your vessel? 


This week is one of the biggest of 2025. Fasten your seatbelt. Pack extra snacks. Be prepared for your plot twist. 


Monday, March 10th : 

- 🌔 Happy Mo(o)nday! Welp, this is one of 2025's biggest weeks. Our full moon eclipse occurs, we have two conjunctions, and Mercury officially stations retrograde. Expect the unexpected. It's the only way to move ahead. It's full of potential blessings...but as we know...there may be rubble we have to dig through to get them. 


Last week I recommended you dig into your Unicorn Wellness Studio member library to utilize the tutorials for: Eclipse Basics, Zodiac Basics: Virgo, Full Moon Basics, or Astrology 101....depending on where you are in your journey. There's a lot going on this week in the astrology. It would be great for you to know where Virgo is in your chart and know the themes of the house it sits in in your personal astrological chart. This is where this eclipse is focused for you. This is where your plot twist will happen. This is where the disruption will occur (benevolent or challenging). ..but more on this under Friday of this week. 


In general this week the energetic tally in the cosmos looks like:

▪️3 in Fire 

▪️2 in Air

▪️1 in Earth (+1 the eclipse) = 2

▪️3 in Water (+1 the north node) = 4

We still have a plethora of Water affecting everything. It's damp and emo and slowing things down. 3 of these placements are in Pisces, and let me say I've just cried daily for simple energy processing. I'm not even sad, I'm just feeling/processing overload. 


At the same time we have a lot of Fire...and all the placements are in Aries. Two of which are retrograde. 


The chart is just in conflict. It's a yes, and. Stay go. Hot cold. It's everything all at once. 


Tuesday, March 11th:  

- 🌕⚡️First day of Full Moon Eclipse Energy. The vibes will be high to say the least. This lunation is one of the major moments in 2025. It's one to watch. The energy ramps up. It amplifies everything in the charge with its charge. You may have already felt this energy enter the chat last week (it's that big). Big energy means anxiety. It could register as fear. It might have you feeling high or jangled. This doesn't mean it's non-benevolent. Eclipses are buckets of energy/magic dumped on us. The snow globe is shooketh. It's massively important in these high energy, high vibration times to get grounded in order to channel it, rather than be rattled by it. 


- 🦄 Day 1 of Full Moon Flow  #1 -You'll need a set of yoga blocks for this workout. Cork blocks recommended. You'll do classical pilates deep core work, L sits, seal, teaser, rocking, classic side lying series for the hips, knees off, down dog for low back and hamstring length. We've got all fours swivels for coordination, core, and balance. Flip dog makes an appearance (because it's a full moon ya'll) and shrimp squats. It's juicy! This workout begins week 4 of our 4 week training cycle. It asks more effort than the prior 3 weeks and goes deeper to push us just past our comfort zones for growth.


- ☿🌹 Mercury conjunct Venus. This is one of two wildcards this week. Our winged messenger is traveling backwards and stumbles or falls into our goddess of love, war, beauty, and finances...as she's traveling backwards. This will be fascinating to see how this plays out. Either a dreamy, slightly high modern dance duet OR f*ck boi pass at a lesbian goddess. Just no. We won't know how this shakes out till it's over. Focus on what you want. Prep yourself for empowered flow. Either way, it's fine. Honestly. Just know it's on the radar.


Wednesday, March 12th: 

 -🎙️ EP 117 is a co-host scenario with resident serial accomplice, Dionne! Honestly, at the time of writing this, I'm not sure what we're discussing...but I'm certain it'll involve Lilith and Aphrodite and more info on the eclipse this week. Make time to listen. 


- ☀️🪐 Sun conjunct Saturn. It's a cazimi day! Our second conjunction of the week. It's a big ole wildcard as Saturn is pulled into the heart of the sun for a power wash. Self discipline is being called up for a refresh. Could be a simple cleanse that allows for sturdier foundations of adulting practices. OR it could be a blow up of where that hasn't been happening and showing you the clean up required because of the neglected self discipline and doing.


Thursday, March 13th:

- 🎴🌕 Full Moon Eclipse Tarot Reading. Create time this week to watch or listen. If you don't listen to any of the other readings during the year, lean into the eclipse offerings. They are powerful and important. This lunation pushes us to generate joy, desire, and hope. It guides us to stay committed to our happy endings.



Friday, March 14th: 

- 🌕⚡️♍️ Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo. This is one of the moments we've been anticipating in 2025. Eclipse season always has us a little anxious, a little cautious, and a little excited. It's a cocktail of magic that we never know how it'll go down. This is a massive moment where karma steps in and says nope or yes in major ways to redirect our path. It's not recommended to cast spells, charge crystals, or make moon water under these energetics. It's said to be so unpredictable you don't want to try and harness it. 



- Aphrodite's Day  

It's time to ask: What does my inner goddess need in order to remember she is sacred, divine, and designed to receive? This week ritualize your joy. Roller skate, throw a kitchen dance party, have an extra loud car sing-a-long, or take a hot girl walk with a bff.  Whatever brings joy. And if playful is feeling weird....try something lovely, sweet, and soft. 🪄 Magical Mentees this is a great day for your Rose Ritual if you haven't done it yet.  


 - 🦄 Day 1 of Full Moon Flow  #2 - No props needed for this workout. We begin with a core technique tutorial, a standing series to strengthen your feet and shins (in support of your hips and knees), chair into our flat back chair series, mermaid crunches and stretches (to honor Pisces vibes), with crab walks and reaches, reverse plank, and a warrior series (for the Aries vibes). 



Saturday, March 15th:  

- Mercury Stations Rx. We've been talking about this transit for two weeks now.

We just completed the retroshade portion.

Today we enter 2 weeks of actual retrograde. 

This portion of the retrograde cycle actually calms down. Particularly for this community, and especially if Mercury is Rx in your natal chart. 


Sunday, March 16th:     

- 🪞Your weekly mantra:  

I stabilize between feelings and facts.  

I am open to better. 

I allow the changes that put me more in harmony with my soul path. 

I trust the process. 

I surrender to the plot twists and pivots. 

I accept that I cannot control the ocean waters, but I can be a student of surfing the waves. 


Additional Resources:

  • Activate 30 - days Guest Access on UnicornWellnessStudio.com Offering 30-min classical Pilates workouts in alignment to the astrological season and lunar cycles and Tandy's 41-day food reset at this link here in preparation of the astrological new year. 


Additional Episodes You Might Enjoy:

EP 111: Pisces Season Tarot Forecast 

EP 110: Pisces Season Deep Dive and Astro Forecast: Embrace the Flow

EP 108: From Saturn’s Return to Self Empowerment Through Mentoring

EP 95: Nodes of Fate: Stepping into the Pisces Dream and Leaving Virgo Perfectionism Behind



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