EP 95: Weekly Astro Forecast January 6th - 12th

This episode takes us into the weekly astrological energetics of January 6th - 12th, 2025 with practical and magical tips and tactics to help resource and support you through all the energies. What’s the energy? How can we harness and work with it?

Last week was still pretty mellow and offered a dash of Aphrodite sweetness. Did you use it to keep sifting, sorting, dreaming, mapping, and planning into your weird, yet evolved 2025?

Last week did you:

  • Get on the mat?
  • Watch your New Moon Tarot Reading?
  •  Keep contemplating last year, and next?

This week is the beginning of the weird of 2025. 🤣🤿 Put your scuba suit and goggles on!

 This week: 

  • Get on the mat
  • Watch your Full Moon Tarot Reading
  • Post a pic of your favorite UWS practice on IG and tag me!
  • Pick one thing from the list below to practice every day this week. I suggest the 5-min Energy Healing.


Monday, January 6th: 

-🌗 Happy Mo(o)nday! Our two weeks of calm are essentially up. Water enters the chat in a big way. My loves I cannot stress enough how grace and space for yourself and others near and dear is super important this week. There are a substantial amount of shifts that could have us all tender and slightly off. Be clear there is sweetness, hope, new stories, and abundant potential here....but it's going to have us meeting our feelings (and the feelings of others) in order to cultivate the magic and brilliance on the other side of things. Things could be cranky, crabby (moon in Cancer), feeling raw (Moon in Cancer, Pisces nodal shift). Practice immaculate self care. Drink rose tea. Take walks. Get on the mat so you have time to sift all the feelings that may roll through. There's a dreamy quality (Aphrodite in Pisces) paired with blunt conversations (Mercury in Capricorn). It offers so much in feeling to heal it, let a few things sting, accept what is yours, hand back what is not, and move with intellect and love to strategize for better! 

Our current planet placements looks like this:

▪️Fire = 0

▪️Earth = 2

▪️Air = 2

▪️Water = 5

I think we can all see the imbalance here🙄. In Capricorn season it's pushing us to identify what feelings are and are not facts. What needs embracing and what needs releasing in order to get to our goals. We can't keep hauling feelings that are not facts into the equation. The math won't math until we get square with our emotions.


Three of these water placements are in Pisces...with the nodes of fate about to switch to Pisces/Virgo. My dear Pisces natives my condolences on the melting and transformative pressure we're about to experience (this includes me). It's going to turn out AWESOME but we will be pressed in the meantime. 


Good news in this mash up we've only got two planets retrograde so although it's a feeling time, it's not all about us and we CAN make progress. 

Cling to your practices or begin them. It's impossible to put a fence on the ocean, but in order to ground through these energetics it's all about cleansing, releasing, resetting, small breaks between swims. 

▪️ Get on the mat <--sweep out the daily mucked up energies

▪️Hydrate and drink rose tea <-- flush out the psychic vampires and keep your psychic channels clear and flowing.

▪️Use your Energy Healings daily! Heeey 5-min Anti-Perfectionist healing. It doesn't have to take up a ton of time, you just have to do it. Strip off the crud others are trying to stick to you or you're piling on yourself. 

▪️Do a good smoke clearing in your home weekly.

▪️Bathe and shower...it's an energetic cleanse. Adding epsom salt to your baths is an auric cleanse. 


Let the weird of 2025 officially begin. 




- 🔴🦀 Mars Rx backtracks into Cancer. Oooh my loves. Brace your feels. It could be a crash of waves and emos here that aren't quite comfortable. Cue tears for no reason, tears for every reason, frustrated tears, angry tears....Mars does not enjoy swimming backwards in this water sign. It wants to drive ahead and Cancer wants it nourished, healed, bolstered, and aware of what needs balance before it gets to make progress. There is much to learn here. Give yourself a ton of grace in this phase. And perhaps extend the grace to those around you having a hard time with their emotions. Emotional boundaries are the name of the game here. Do you tread on others? Do you allow others to traipse past yours? Bolster the boundaries loves. Their mess is not yours and yours is not theirs. Everyone tend to your own right now. This of course can be deeply cathartic and confidence boosting...it can equally be the adulting you've been trying to avoid forever. Whichever way it goes, it offers beneficial growth for the better. 


Tuesday, January 7th:          

- 🦄 Day 1 of Grounded Bridge  - No props needed in this workout. Just as the title suggests you'll see a strong hip and glute series of bridge variations and wheel, our favorite side-lying series for Capricorn season, a side plank with multiple options, clamshells, and some low back love with baby bird and heel presses to the ceiling. It's strong..yet soft at the same time. 


- 📲I'm back on IG! Say Hey in DMs or scroll the stories...posts coming soon. I'm still recovering from some sort of ick this holiday season. My roll is slow. 🐌


- 📸 Did you use one of your Unicorn Wellness practices today? Snap and post a pic! tag @tandy_gutierrez on IG. I love being able to give you a virtual high five for showing up for yourself + sharing pix of your practice actually builds accountability...let your community (that includes me) SUPPORT YOUR PRACTICES! 


Wednesday, January 8th: 

 -🎙️✨ EP 96 offers a deeper dive into the Nodes of Fate moving this week and coloring our next 18 months! If you have placements in Pisces or Virgo you extra need to lean into this episode...and if you have placements in Aries or Libra, you'll want this info too. Make sure to listen in. 


-☿ ♑️ Mercury moves into Capricorn. As a blunt and clear communicator I appreciate this vibe...but for those who find clarity challenging and just 'mean'...welp...throw on a puffer coat to give you some buffer between yourself and communications in the next three weeks. Try to lean into the efficiency of words...less is definitely more and aim for clarity that moves to solve NOT to be right or make someone else wrong. It's about getting to goals, making progress, and stripping down niceties for efficiency. 


Thursday, January 9th:

- 🦄 🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒 I'm your host in the private community group this month! Click through, magic makers, directly from your UWS member Library...or download the Kajabi Communities app on IOS or Android. Log in with your Unicorn Wellness Studio credentials.   


- 🌕🎥 Watch your Full Moon Basics video. We've got a full moon in Cancer on Monday of next week but the energy starts tomorrow. If you want the basics that every full moon lunation offers us, dig in!


- 🦀 🎥 Watch your Zodiac Basics: Cancer video. Whether you want to learn more about your personal placements or need more intel on the energy of next week's full moon, this video supports you!



Friday, January 10th: 

- 👑 Aphrodite's Day. Every Friday is a time to ask: What does my inner goddess need in order to remember she is sacred, divine, and designed to receive? Give yourself as much of that today as you can. Focus on your senses. How can you engage them today? Sight, taste, touch, sound, smell. Share in our community group or post and tag on IG to share how you honored the goddess today...that's YOU, you're the goddess. 


- 🌕🌊 Full Moon energy begins. Energy ramps up. It's time to socialize, chat, do, run those errands and hustle to finish up, launch, or complete projects. Use it. Ride it. Fuel with it....and beware...if it's too much energy...you'll need to do the opposite. No right way and no shame...just check in with how this lunation's energy is hitting you. Act accordingly.


- 🌕🎴🎥 Watch your Full Moon Tart Reading. I'll have this uploaded to your member library by today. Schedule time to watch anytime today through next Thursday. 


- 🦄 Day 1 of Grounded Full Moon #1  - No props needed for this workout. You'll see mermaid crunches, classical pilates, a strong bridge series, series of five, jackknife, our side-lying bent leg series for the hips and glutes, and our tiny full moon flow with a rolling dog. It's a goody ya'll. Challenging but flowing. 


Saturday, January 11th:  

 - 🌕🌗🌑 Nodes of Fate Shift. This sets an overall tone for the next 18 months. Get the full download on this in EP 96. This is massively contributing to the watery, emo, daydream, hard-to-focus, or sweet on everything vibes you could be experiencing...especially if you've got natal placements in Pisces or Virgo. This is a long game transit...put on your scuba suits and release all notions of perfectionism. It was all a lie anyhow. Mess and feelings are the tools you need to refine and work with.  


Sunday, January 12th:   

- 🪞Your weekly offering:  

I flow in the ocean of emotion.  

I learn when to float and when to paddle. 

I allow my sensitivities to be revealed. 

I allow old wounds to heal. 

I may be called out, but I receive for growth.

I let go of notions of perfect or control.

I meet myself, my resources, where they are at NOW and support them all towards growth, better, and empowerment. 


- 🌕🌊 Full Moon in Cancer tomorrow. It's a great time for a water cleansing/ritual (goddess bath anyone?) Let go of old narratives. Grieve, mourn, cleanse, rebirth. Cast a spell January 10th - 16th if it resonates. Call in Aphrodite. Explore Selene. Lilith is here as well. Get to know the parts of your lunar energy that have been dormant. Where can you strengthen your intuition? Your Magic? Or do you just need a simple cleansing? It's a great time to clean your living space for fresh foundations that support you. 

Additional Resources:

  • Unicorn Wellness Studio members get the Kajabi Communities App - Apple users snag the app here Android users here. Log in with your Unicorn Wellness login credentials. 


Additional episodes you might enjoy:

EP 94: WICKED Pt 2 The Witches of Oz: On screen and off

EP 92: Burn the Yule Log, Ditch the Resolutions: A Holiday Deep Dive

EP 90: Capricorn Season Tarot Forecast

EP 89: Capricorn Season Deep Dive + Astro Forecast



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