EP 91: Weekly Wellness & Astrology Forecast December 23rd - 29th

This episode takes us into the weekly astrological energetics of December 23rd - 29th, 2024 with practical and magical tips and tactics to help resource and support you through all the energies. 

Last week offered zero major transits! Though we were still alchemizing all the shifts prior. Did you adjust for things to be as simple as possible? Did you define your boundaries? Did you lock into your self-care tactics that were a bare minimum? 

Last week did you:

This week is more mellow, and yet there's plenty to listen and grow from. 

This week: 

  • Get on the mat
  • Listen to 2️⃣ NEW episodes on The Magic Spark
  • Drink warm herbal teas
  • Make time to contemplate last year, and next.

Monday, December 23rd: 

-🌓 Happy Mo(o)nday! The sun just entered Capricorn, on Saturday, Our vital life source moved into a new house of the zodiac. The vibe shifts. Get all the details on these happenings in episode 89. Our vessel's will be adjusting to this change for up to two weeks. Go slow. Get on the mat. Drink tea. 🫖Hibiscus, Rose, and Tulsi are calling. We're simply being asked to do more of the same from our weeks prior:

▪️Practice Grounding (mat, outdoors, wear vetiver, burn sandalwood etc)

▪️Practice non-reactivity

▪️Lock into consistent adulting & toddler bedtimes

▪️Evaluate the last year (or longer) and start to hone in on how you want 2025 to be different to and through YOU. 

▪️👆🏽Make the map to the above. 

🗺️ Think of it as a working map, one that will mutate, and adjust and respond to life as it comes...or as my mentees are finding...maybe it's time to throw out maps. Perhaps it's time to make a new plan to navigate towards your goals based on your intuition and processed feelings. ⬅️NOT IMMEDIATE FEELINGS. They're different.

✂️Maybe 2025 is the time to not be bound to things that truly don't work, never have, and honestly you earnestly didn't want any how. It's a time of peeling away expectations, boxes, and unconscious programming. To constructively care less, give no F's what other people think or say. 

🧹2025 might just be the year you truly bust out of internalized patriarchy...and show your goals your bad witch energy...maybe you too can defy gravity! 

👩🏽‍💻This week invites in more clarity and a work ethic of jotting, mapping, journaling, and seeing some directives flesh out or simply sitting down to do that. 


- 🦄 Day 1 of Swinging Climb  - No props needed in this workout. There's classic work and Tandy specials in here; series of 5, L sits (hello, deep core), my side lying hip series, crab reach, malasana, a parallel triangle pose with hip socket work, and a very on-the-nose mountain pose in honor of Capricorn season. 


Tuesday, December 24th:       

- 📸 If you have a holiday you're celebrating today, it's still a great day to support yourself by getting on the mat. It might be the best thing you do today....and if you do... snap and post a pic! I love the holiday mat pix. They've always been my favorite of the year. I just posted one in our private community group last week! Pink tree and all. Post & Tag @tandy_gutierrez on IG. 


- 📱I'm still on a social media break through December 31st. Email, voxer, or message me in our private community group through the UWS  membership Library...heads up, it'll be a light return to Instagram only. I'll be in DMs and stories, but posting will be erratic at best...as I have the bandwidth. 


Wednesday, December 25th: 

 - 🎙️NEW EP 92 welcomes back Dionna Eshleman. It may be a little unhinged...at the time of writing this newsletter we have not recorded yet 😆 Our intention is to bring you a little diddy on Yule (tis the season) as well as discussing new year's resolutions and why I pull my soap box on them every year. As always, we'll keep it organic and see where the conversation takes us! I


Thursday, December 26th:

- 🦄 Day 1 of Grounded New Moon #1 - You'll need a set of yoga blocks and a resistance band for this restorative movement series. This officially begins our new moon cycle, on the mat. This is week 1 of our training cycle. Full focus for the next 6 days on flexibility and mobility. It's either the very best and most supportive time to get on the mat or to return. This is when integration from all the effort and work prior happens if you've been on the mat. Results happen in the rest phase. This is a week of restoration, integration, and regeneration. When we honor the rest cycle, this is where and win muscle mass forms, this is when weight our vessel no longer needs is released, it's when flexibility increases, or stability takes root. It's truly magical. utterly un-patriarchal. Lean in. You'll see the yummiest QL stretch, hips stirs, neck stretches, hula hoop hips and figure eights. Your hips, IT bands and hamstrings are well cared for in this series. 



Friday, December 27th: 

- 👑 Aphrodite's Day. Every Friday is a time to ask: What does my inner goddess need in order to remember she is sacred, divine, and designed to receive? Give yourself as much of that today as you can. Focus on your senses. How can you engage them today? Sight, taste, touch, sound, smell. 


- 🌑♑️ New Moon energy begins. Energy has already been low, but if it takes a deeper turn to hibernation...that's on brand. New moons always ask us to minimize our socializing, working, doing, and put more focus on restoration, recovery, and repair. ⬅️ Note the language here. This is a sweet moon, in my opinion, that allows us to set up sturdier foundations with yourself or others (probably both) and that may require repair and recovery. It's a process Magical Mentees are forever learning more about. It's not always or just an apology...it's about changed actions moving forward. It's not about right or wrong, it's about solutions for long term goals...or clarity on separations for healthier futures. Start tapping into Capricorn energy. You've got a New Moon Tarot Reading, Zodiac Basics: Capricorn, and a New Moon Basics video to lean into today through January 2nd.



Saturday, December 28th:  

 - 🌈🦄Share in our Community Group. If you have the bandwidth, it's time to shake up how we connect as a community. As Magical Mentoring comes to a close in this session, they'll be in influx of voices from the community. It's exciting and one of the most powerful pieces of Unicorn Wellness, YOU the community. Safe and constructive community spaces are going to pull a major focus in 2025 so please take the pause from social media, it's just really not in alignment with what we do around here. I've struggled for years with it. But our personal private community is such a healthy way for us to support ourselves and each other. Click through, my loves! Directly from your member Library...or download the Kajabi Communities app on IOS or Android, then log in to your Unicorn Wellness Membership.  


Sunday, December 29th:  

- 🦄 Day 1 of Grounded New Moon #2 - No props needed for our second new moon, constructive rest series. You'll see our shoulder 5, more QL focus (lower back), all four circles, good morning shoulder openers, rotations for spinal health and digestive support, leg cradles, and a little foot massage. Again, your hamstrings, hips, and low back are massively taken care of in this series. 


- ⏯️⚷♈️ Chiron direct. We're old hat at these energetics by now, as Chiron stays in a sign for up to 8 years. Chiron has been here since 2019. So don't hit the alarm on this one, AND be aware where Chiron is....there is healing. This day (or week) could be sensitive. There may be angry or frustrated tears...and you may not know where they came from. That's ok. Let them roll through. There is healing here. The long game on this one is we're learning how to actually process anger in this transit. We're learning how to understand anger as a part of the spectrum of healing, necessary, and how we've typically only experienced it as violence rather than sacred rage that points us in the direction of what was not protected, seen, or held...as well as where we put of healthy boundaries that say never again, not on my watch. Anger is powerful for constructive change and catharsis...if you feel otherwise, I encourage you to explore your inner sacred anger. It's super patriarchal and internalized misogyny to never express anger or frustration. We are not here to be pleasing, happy, or hashtag blessed all the time. That's spiritual bypassing, and we don't practice that around here. Let this shift roll through and be aware, feeling tender is okay. 


- 🌑♑️ New Moon in Capricorn tomorrow. Make time to watch your New Moon Tarot Reading. This energy lasts through January 2nd and has amazing prompts for journaling or a personal tarot reading....particularly in terms of the Gregorian New Year. It lines up nicely with us evaluating what we loved about the last 12 months and what we didn't, what we want to bring with us into 2025 and what we need to NOT. It's a fresh start and new beginning and offers new goals...and new ways of getting to said goals. Lean in. 


- 🪞Your weekly mantra offering:  

I am constantly releasing, shedding, and rebirthing.

I am consistently renewing, while always remaining myself.

I remember, evaluate, and review in order to plot, plan, and move forward.

I am forever experiencing life...in both response, reimagining, collaboration, and surprise. 

I allow life to surprise me with benefits, abundance, joy, and love. 

For there is both continual disappointment and continual triumphs in every human experience. 


Additional Resources:


Additional episodes you might enjoy:

EP 90: Capricorn Season Tarot Forecast

EP 89: Capricorn Season Deep Dive + Astro Forecast

EP 85: Unraveling the magic of WICKED with Nathan from Queens History podcast


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