EP 86: Weekly Wellness Astro Forecast December 9th - 15th
This episode takes us into the weekly astrological energetics of December 9th - 15th, 2024 with practical and magical tips and tactics to help resource and support you through all the energies.
Last week did you:
- Lean into the weird?
- Listen to the 2️⃣ NEW episodes on The Magic Spark?
- Do at least 1 of the UWS practices every day this week (5-min Frequency Reset, anyone?)
This week is also wobbly and weird. Yay. I know. We've got a full moon in Gemini and Mercury stations direct. Ground yourself, like your sanity depends on it....'cause it might.
This week:
- Get on the mat
- Use one of the Energy Healing offerings
- Watch your Full Moon Tarot Reading
- Listen to 2️⃣ NEW episodes on The Magic Spark!
Monday, December 9th:
-🌓 Happy Mo(o)nday! The end of last week was a lot with a Mercury Cazimi, Mars stationing Rx, and Venus moving into Aquarius and bumping into Pluto on the way. Our nervous systems are still trying to figure out what's going on. That power wash from the sun while Mercury is Rx is bigger than we realize, and good goddess, Mars slowing down is going to take some time for us to benefit from.
There's a lot to the current layer cake of energetics. The only thing to do is to keep doing the things we know support us.
It's a period of time of consistent adulting, toddler early bedtimes, and scheduled doses of play and fun.
If you're waiting for inspiration to strike...it might...but you won't get to activate it till mother earth says its time... in the Spring (or a teeny bit earlier in mid February). Practice the pause. Indulge in wandering the liminal spaces. Don't push ahead. Walk. slowly....so the insights land and you can move forward with more strategy, wisdom, intuition, and soul connection. The time will come. But you'll push it farther away if you sprint for it. There is NO hurry, even if it feels like it.
Stay curious. Be open. If you meltdown, let it through and sink in to see if you can identify why. What can it gift you via understanding? There is wisdom and balance from the insight we experience this week. We just might feel wobbly as we receive it.
- 🦄 Day 2 of Solid Climb - No props needed! This video focuses on your spine and hips...in full spectrum, range of motion, mobility + strength and stability. Our favorite side lying bent knee series is here. Get Ready! Feel the burn 🔥 🍑.
- 🪄Final readings for 1:1 Magical Mentees are out. Today Cycle #4 tarot readings and to-do lists are complete!
Tuesday, December 10th:
- 📸 Snap and post a pic after you're on the mat! Data tells us that photos help hold us accountable to our routines. 🙌🏽 By posting a photo of you or your mat, you build a habit that reinforces your consistency. Post & Tag @tandy_gutierrez on IG.
- 🎥 ♊️ Watch Zodiac Basics: Gemini - If you're seeking deeper understanding of the themes of this week's full moon!
- 📱Social media break through December 31st. It me. Still. Feel free to email, voxer, or message me in our private community group through the UWS membership Library.
Wednesday, December 11th:
- 🎙️ NEW episode on The Magic Spark! EP 87 welcomes another surprise special guest. We delve into Lilith, Hekate, Kali...and new to our table...Medusa! Find out who I'm chatting with by listening on Spotify, Apple, or here.
- 🦄 Day 1 of Full Moon Climb #1 - No props needed in this workout. This video is our first of this full moon cycle. Week 4 of our 4 week training cycle. It asks the most of our effort. It doesn't always mean 'harder' but it will always be deeper and push us past our comfort zones. you'll see stacked log sufi rolls, side plank, our mermaid crunches and my all fours hip series. This workout is deep hip and strong leg work.
Thursday, December 12th:
- 🌕♊️ Full Moon energy begins -Energy amps up...big time. This energy may invigorate you or drain you. We hope it fuels us to finish up, launch, or complete something. But if it's just exhausting, it's all ok. Something will be revealed...and something will come of what was revealed. Stay present. Check in with what your body needs. Stick to the mat and if you're out of gas for our full moon workouts, swap for a new moon stretch. Keep it simple. Ground through your vessel. This moon is in an Air sign, Gemini...so the propensity for anxiety is real. Bathe in vetiver oil, my loves.
- 🎥🌕🎴 Watch your Full Moon Tarot Reading - It's so good and so clear. The energy is big and high, you need this reading...and the prompts offered for journaling or a personal full moon tarot reading.
Friday, December 13th:
- 👑 Today is a very special Aphrodite's day.....it's a true Goddess Day! Friday the 13th is NOT bad luck, that's a lie of the patriarchy, it's a day to celebrate the 13 lunar cycles in a year and the typical 13 moon cycles those with a womb space typically experience. It's a magic day of abundance and creativity. Celebrated in Goddess Culture, when god was a woman, and we knew the magic of the Divine Feminine day-to-day.
Every Friday is a time to ask: What does my inner goddess need in order to remember she is sacred, divine, and designed to receive? Today it's extra important to do so, and/or to celebrate any of the goddesses that resonate with you...*cough, of course include Aphrodite, it's HER day*.
🥂Options for celebrating (but not limited to):
- Put roses on your altar for Aphrodite
- Use our Aphrodite tapping or Shaking under the Energetic Healing section of your member Library
- Take a goddess bath - epsom salt baths, floating rose petals, slather yourself with olive oil and honey before entering (it's SLIPPERY be careful)
- Meet up with a goddess bestie to celebrate your female friendship! (that's what I'm doing)
- Indulge in anything that resonates as a luxury , to you.
- Advocate for yourself - ask for what you want or need.
- Wear pink and gold.
- Drink rose tea
❤️🔥Whatever you do to commemorate today - come share it in our Kajabi Communities app. Click through directly from your member Library. I WANT TO KNOW HOW YOU DO DIVINE!
Saturday, December 14th:
- 🦄 Day 1 of Full Moon Climb #2 -You'll need a set of blocks for this workout. Heads up, foam blocks on this one might not work so well. We're stepping up on the blocks for a little pistol squat prep (you can do them without the block if needed). You'll also see our shoulder series, my hip stirs, swinging dogs, reverse planks, and floating! Oohhhh all the strength magic here. get-er-done!
- 🎥🌕 Watch your Full Moon Basics - If you're new to following the lunar cycles, or Unicorn Wellness, or you just need a refresh. This video tutorial offers the themes and energy that every full moon brings us.
Sunday, December 15th:
- 🌕 ♊️ Full Moon in Gemini - It's a big energetic day! In general with a full moon in Gemini we'll all be called to balance two sides of something, and this one is no different. Today/this week could feel very wobbly not just because it's a full moon , but because Mercury stations direct today. As always, stay present, double down on grounding....this lunation is calling for a balancing between our humanity and divinity. You'll need to see where YOU need the move towards the midline, towards neutrality, towards a 4 or 5 rating vs. a 0 or 10. This lunation is for sure going to call us out on some level of bullshit. It's time to let go of, grow out of. This lunation is going to push us to learn the difference between information and wisdom. What have you just memorized and regurgitated vs. what do you know and have made decisions about and had experiences with? These are different ways of working with info and data. WE NEED WISDOM. Not quick fix info. Again, make sure to watch your Full Moon tarot reading in the Unicorn Wellness Studio Library.
- ☿ ▶️ Mercury stations Direct -Today starts 2 weeks of post shadow. Our final phase of a Mercury retrograde cycle. If things lightened up in the last 2 weeks in communication, travel schedules, shipping, or finances...make sure to buckle your seatbelt...it may get bumpy again.
Today begins the 3rd pass at the path we've already covered twice.
Whatever topic(s) just won't quiet down in the last 4 weeks get's another shoutout. This is our final exam.
Continue to practice NON REACTIVITY. Witness. Process. Solve.
This is a time when diffusing our emotional reaction, or temporarily putting it on a shelf will be deeply helpful in order to learn and upgrade our way through things.
Keep planning for the slow downs. Keep buffering your schedules and to-do's with extra time. Plan for things to take longer than they should or you want them to. Ask for the extension. DO NOT STRESS AND GRIT YOUR WAY THROUGH IT. Advocate. Plan ahead....or let things go. Cancel. Reschedule. It's ok.
If you know what house Sagittarius sits in in your personal astro chart...it's happening here...again. What can we learn? What can we gain from this? How can we evolve? Or how can we laugh it off and simply care less....yup...a much kinder way to say...lighten up...release our inner type A control freak (talking to myself here, ya'll).
🙈...But I will say this combo of Gemini full moon and Mercury direct might be reeeeally weird or rough on the communication front. Heads up. It could just be the wackiest game of unintentional phone tag...say it with me....stay committed to NON REACTIVITY. It's not as bad as you think. Or if it is, the solve through it is easier than you perceive.
- 🪞Your weekly mantra:
I am both human and divine.
I balance my humanity and divinity.
I tend to the 3D with diligence.
I tend to my Spirituality with consistency.
I do my best daily.
And that is all I can do.
Therefore, I do all I can do, each day.
I trust in the long game of the tiny and mighty.
Additional Resources:
- 30-Days Guest Access in Unicorn Wellness Studio (online) Offering 30-min classical Pilates workouts in alignment to the astrological season and lunar cycles, new and full moon tarot readings, astrology and Magick tutorials, 41-day food reset, and private community group
- The Unicorn Wellness Handbook
- Want this info in your inbox? Subscribe to Tandy's weekly Mo(o)nday newsletter
- Follow and DM on Instagram @tandy_gutierrez - Tandy’s taking a media break through December 2024 - Please connect via: Voxer, [email protected], or in our Kajabi Community Group for members of UnicornWellnessStudio.com
- Kajabi Communities App - Apple users snag the app here Android users here.
Additional episodes you might enjoy:
EP 83: Hekate, Spells, and Witchcraft
EP 82: Weekly Moonday Newsletter November 25th - December 1st
EP 80: Sagittarius Season Deep Dive and Astro Forecast