EP 82: Weekly Wellness Astro Forecast November 25th - December 1st

This episode takes us into the weekly astrological energetics of November 25th - December 1st, 2024.  

This week is oddly quiet. We've got a new moon and Mercury stations retrograde. There is magic messaging with unexpected solutions on the table. Meditate. Use your energetic healings. Stay open. 

This week: 

  • Get on the mat (it's stretch week!)
  • Meditate
  • Use any of the Tapping or Shaking Energetic Healings on UWS
  • Lean into the Yes, and of life...this is how we heal


Monday, November 25th: 

-🌓 Happy Mo(o)nday!  Mercury stations retrograde today.  We exit our retroshade pre-shadow. These are the 2 weeks where we get the second pass at the lesson/blessing this retrograde wants us to receive. 

Some kind of crunchy topic or mishap that occurred in the last 2 weeks, comes back in some fashion or form. If you know what house Sagittarius sits in in your personal astro chart...it's happening there.

Every Mercury retrograde affects technology, communication, shipping, schedules, travel, and finances. It's literally the worst time of the year for it. With an uptick in travel and spending as holiday season launches it's not the easiest time to need to side-eye all the things. Just stay diligent. Check on things. Double check the schedule. Make sure you get the refunds you're owed, be ready for mistaken payouts and weird bank account things, packages being returned or late delivery. It's just the lay of the land. It's ok. It'll be ok. 


Continue to commit to NON REACTIVITY. (4 more weeks.)


Witness. Breathe. Say a prayer that whatever goes sideways, balances quickly and efficiently. After that prayer, go support the solution whatever way you can. This cycle is about learning, and sometimes the mess is just mercurial f*ckery that is trying to teach us to let go and not care so much. Sometimes the mess is trying to teach us to laugh. When we can laugh things off, all the better. 


This second phase of the cycle, tends to be easier. Particularly for this community.  


Plan for the slow downs. Buffer your schedule with extra time. Plan for things to take longer than they should or longer than you want them to. Harness all your best Virgo tendencies. Control what you can. Prepare for the worst, and expect the best.  


- 🎥 🎴Schedule time to watch you New Moon Tarot Reading. I'll load it into your library TODAY. Hang in there. It'll be there. Today. Carve time for it this week.


Tuesday, November 26th:      

- 🦄 Day 1 of Classic Love - No prop needed for this workout! We're in the Classical Pilates wheel house for the next 3 days... with my spin on it, as always. It's a truly full body workout that is sneaky and deep; you'll see sufi rolls, stacked log, lizard, side kick series, goddess pose and fencing...it's hip focused and ridiculously good. This is a personal favorite. 


- 🎥 ♐️ Watch Zodiac Basics: Sagittarius. If you're looking to know Sag energy better, head to this tutorial in your Unicorn Wellness Library. It's great for those who have natal placements in Sag, but this content is for everyone, to understand this season and this lunation better. Find it in Astrology Basics Part 2. 


- 🎥 🌑 Watch New Moon Basics. If you're new to following the lunar cycles, or just need a refresher, this video takes you through the energetics of every new moon. Find it in Astrology Basics Part 1 in your UWS member Library. 


Wednesday, November 27th: 

- 🎙️ NEW episode on The Magic Spark! EP 83 welcomes back our favorite co-host, Dionna Eshleman, to chat Hekate. We focus on the types of lessons our dark goddess offers IRL, as well as discuss how to start casting spells. There's going to be another episode on this, the topic has come up a ton lately....thus we begin. As always, listen on Spotify, Apple, or here then share it on social or with a friend! Because sharing is caring. 


Thursday, November 28th:

-🌑🏹 New Moon energy begins. 

This begins the downturn. It's always conflicting at this time of year in the northern hemisphere. It'll feel sleepier. It'll have you wanting to hermit and hunker down and cozy up. It's not a cycle of galavanting...tho Sag will want to...it's more about the mind than physicality under this moon. Today begins the energy of reflection and meditation. If you're feeling slow and needing more time to recharge or rest...you're in alignment. Honor it. Don't prescribe to the should's and expectations. Take care of YOU and do what YOU need. It's radical activism to advocate for ourselves on the daily (but, seriously) especially if you self identify as the she's, the gay's, and the they's. The culture has expectations of us...this time of year exaggerates them. DO NOT BUY INTO IT. If it doesn't serve you in equity. It's a no. 


- ❌🦃 No Thanks. We don't prescribe to Thanksgiving in our house. I always say we do a 'No, Thanks' giving ritual. We gather, we eat, and we discuss gratitude...as well as genocide. We can absolutely reframe and reclaim this day and honor the experience of gathering with those we love. Let's just make sure to educate as well, so that it doesn't turn into spiritual by-passing or whyte washing. Thanksgiving was never a thing. It's a made up narrative of patriarchy. On the heels of recent election results, its important to get really honest and understand we are a country founded on genocide, racism, and patriarchy. We've been fed and have been eating propaganda for too many years in order to make our origins okay. To not have to really think or understand that reparations are in order. This is a moment today, to do better, because we know better. Reclaim the day. Express gratitude AND know the facts. Then help advocate for Indigenous peoples. Because education is power, consider reading this piece on NPR about Indian Boarding Schools or listen to American Genocide by IllumiNative. Let's learn our way out of performative allyship. This is a yes, and moment, every year. This is shadow work. This allows for future healing. Without honesty, healing and progress are not possible. Because around here, we no longer lie to ourselves (7 of Swords). 


Friday, November 29th: 

- 💗👑 Every Friday is Aphrodite's Day! Time to ask: What does my inner goddess need in order to remember she is sacred, divine, and designed to receive? Give her as much of that as you can today.


- 🦄 Day 1 of New Moon Climb #1 -You'll need a 36" high density foam roller for this constructive rest movement series. This begins 6 days of our constructive rest cycle. Why, because results actually happen in the rest. It's all stretch, mobility, and flexibility. Rejoice and above all, get on the mat. It's the best time to begin a practice or return to it. Welcome to Week 1 of your 4 Week training cycle.


Saturday, November 30th:  

 - ✨ November Simple Stars complete. If you had a Simple Stars natal chart scheduled this month, it's in your inbox by the end of today! 


Sunday, December 1st:

- 🌑 New Moon in Sagittarius. The dark moon is Hekate's moon. It's Kali's moon. It is considered the witchiest portion of the lunar cycle and is said to offer the most messaging. Clarity will come, if we make clarity welcome. We make it welcome by doing a little cleansing, meditation, perhaps an energy healing and simply being open to breakthroughs, downloads, and ah-ha's. Let the weirdest solution be an option. Listen to the Universe...found objects, song lyrics that seem really loud, take notice of everything. If you think something is a message...it is. Be present, journal it out, share it in our private community group.

Listening to the Universe often feels like the kookiest scavenger hunt...when practiced, after multiple cycles it starts to make sense. Let today be the day it begins to make sense, or celebrate the magic of honoring it for many cycles. 

Also, don't forget to work with your prompts in your New Moon Tarot Reading, they can facilitate journaling or be used for a personalized tarot reading. 


- 🪞Your weekly mantra:  

I am the oracle I seek.

I am the magic eight ball. 

I am the tarot.

I am the runes.

I allow my messaging to be heard clearly. I accept it and become Alice chasing the white rabbit. Off I go, swallowing the red pill and trusting that what's mine is mine and what is for me will be seen and received. 

I explore my own potential. Everyday. Every moon. 


Additional Resources:

  • Witches Work My stand alone movement series to heal and amplify your root, sacral, and solar plexus energetics to increase intuition and manifestation frequencies. Get $10 off with coupon code HEKATE at checkout Through November 30th, 2024.
  • UnicornWellnessStudio.com Offering 30-min classical Pilates workouts in alignment to the astrological season and lunar cycles and Tandy's 41-day food reset.
  • The Unicorn Wellness Handbook

Voxer, [email protected], or in our Kajabi Community Group for members of UnicornWellnessStudio.com




Additional episodes you might enjoy:

EP 81: Sagittarius Season Tarot Forecast

EP 80: Sagittarius Season Deep Dive and Astro Forecast

EP 78: Shadow Work Through the Inner Compass Oracle Deck with Dana Whitby


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