EP 81: Sagittarius Season Tarot Forecast

Sagittarius Season Tarot Forecast

Sagittarius Season (November 21st - December 20th 2024)

  • This episode offers our Tarot forecast for Sagittarius season.
  • It may have more significance for Sagittarius natives (Sun, rising, or moon in Sagittarius).
  • Reminder for those in the southern hemisphere: the seasons may be different, but the energies of Tarot, astrology, zodiac, and channeled guidance are the same.

Sagittarius in the Tarot

  • Represented by Temperance in the Major Arcana.
  • Symbolizes the harmonizing of past and future, and humanity and divinity.
  • Associated with Archangel Michael, the bridge between the unconscious and conscious.
  • The Temperance card teaches:
    • Balance
    • Harmony
    • How to find the midpoint of the now between the past and future
    • The flow between unconscious to conscious
  • Sagittarius season is a time for potential Liberation through new solutions. 

Sagittarius Energy

  • Mutable Fire energy, represented by Wands the Tarot.
  • Associated with enthusiasm, willpower, alchemy, creativity, and manifestations.
  • Can be expansive, intellectual, exploratory, and adventuresome as well as chaotic, messy, unabashed, unapologetic, and wild.
  • Invites us to find liberation through philosophy and theology…traveling through ideas, concepts, history, present, and the concept that there are no right answers….there’s a million ways to solve something. 

Tarot Reading for Sagittarius Season

  • 1 card for the spirit in which to move through things.
  • Members of Unicorn Wellness Studio also have access to new and full moon Tarot readings.


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