EP 70: Virgo Season Tarot Forecast + The Hermit

In this episode, we delve into the essence of Virgo season through the lens of The Hermit card in the Tarot and a single card tarot reading for the spirit in which to move through these 4 weeks.

The Hermit: Wisdom & Solitary Exploration

  • The Hermit, represented by number IX in the Major Arcana, signifies a turning point towards wisdom. A karmic closure and endings. 
  • It depicts a cloaked figure with a lantern, embarking on a journey of introspection and self-discovery.
  • This card challenges us: Are we guided by our inner compass or external influences?
  • It’s labeled as the 9th card but is really the 10th of the deck. Offering amplified fresh starts and new beginnings. 

The Hermit's Paradox: Solitude & Community

  • The Hermit isn't just about isolation. It encourages seeking mentors, meditating, and silencing external noise to connect with your inner voice.
  • However, true wisdom also involves exploring different perspectives to remain flexible.
  • It offers us both isolation and community.

Liminal Space & Embracing the Unknown

  • The Hermit can represent a feeling of being lost in transition.
  • Yet, it's during this stillness that our connection to the mystical deepens.
  • We embrace the unknown, the ever-unfolding path, and learn from past experiences to move forward.

Hekate: The Silent Guide

  • The Hermit embodies the essence of Hekate, the goddess of crossroads and magic. She provides guidance but empowers us to make our own choices.

The Hermit Invocation for Virgo Season

  • This episode features a special invocation channeled and written to connect with The Hermit's energy and harness its wisdom.

Virgo: Practical Magic & Purification

  • Virgo, an Earth sign, encourages us to purify, create plans, and check things off the list.
  • It asks if we’ve laid the groundwork for our desires while caring for our physical and spiritual well-being.

Virgo Season Tarot Reading: One Card

  • The episode concludes with a single-card reading for the overall spirit in which to move through of Virgo season, because there’s no way out but through. How do we move through it? 
  • This card offers guidance on navigating this introspective period.

Remember: Embrace the wisdom within, utilize practical tools, and find your own path. Virgo season offers a potent opportunity for growth and self-discovery.


Magical Mentoring: Harnessing Shadow Season

  • This episode promotes Tandy’s Magical Mentoring program 
  • This program delves into the power of the Tarot, dark goddesses, and shadow season magic (September-December 2024)
  • It's an opportunity to:
    • Work with powerful energies like Kali Ma and Hekate during a potent astrological period.
    • Build a sturdy foundation for harnessing magical energy.
    • Invest in your personal growth and unlock your full potential.
  • Schedule your 30-min exploration call August 14th-28th (application window).
  • Mentoring begins September 6th, 2024. 


Additional Resources:


Additional episodes you might enjoy:

EP 68:  Unmasking your Magic: Stories from inside Magical Mentoring

EP 69: Virgo Season Astro Forecast + Deep Dive



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