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Deep Dive into the Tarot: The Lovers

This 90-min, pre-recorded, master class is intended to be a tool of support, guidance, and clarity for the seventh major arcana card of the tarot. 

The Lovers card was the Card of the Year for 2022.

In numerology 2+0+2+2 = 6 and is therefore represented by the The Lovers.

When The Lover appears, we are being called to refine our relationships towards better, clearer, more authentic, heart connected communication and partnership.

Any non soul-centric relationships (that includes the one you have with yourself) must be restructured, healed, worked through, evolved, supported, portions released, or let go.

Toxicity or frequency discord simply won't stand the test of time....and all of this applies to our relationship with ourselves, first and foremost

The deeper you understand The Lovers, the better and more fluidly you can navigate the learning opportunities, growth spurts, and healing that are offered in life. 


This card asks that we do our shadow work and above all, choose ourselves, first. 

This 90-min pre-recorded Master Class Deep Dive Includes:

  • Meaning, offerings, blessings, and challenges, plus connected planet, and zodiac sign.
  • Upright & reversed meanings when the card comes up in readings.
  • Video and audio recording of all above.
  • My full PDF notes of all above.
  • 7 min guided meditation to invoke the energy & guidance of The Lovers.
  • Image of 10 Lovers cards from various tarot decks to explore.