Weekly Astrology & Wellness Forecast February 10th - 16th, 2025


Monday, February 10th: 

- 🌔 Happy Mo(o)nday! This week is looking sweeter in the cosmos....take every win, every compliment, every smile, every bit of dopamine you can, and just tuck it in your heart. This is a week to shine in tiny and mighty ways. A week to remember there are allies, advocates, and accomplices everywhere and humanity will not go silently into this good night of unattended to shadows. 


Keep practicing the pause, rest, resource, repeat we keep referencing.

Do whatever you need to do to find stability in your day. Love on your practices, they provide. Connect with community. We need each other. We matter to each other and it's nothing but constructive to keep repeating that to each other. 


I love you. I see you. Thank you. You matter to me.


p.s. OMG WEDNESDAY is so packed with things....🤣🙈😱 it's not all astrology...just stuff and things and opportunities! 


- 🎙️ 🆕 on The Magic Spark! Prefer this content in audio format? Listen to EP 107 Listen on Spotify, Apple, or here.  


- 🌕 🎴Full Moon Tarot Reading. Watch it anytime now through Saturday, if you haven't already. It's in your UWS Library. It's a gem. Work the prompts. Find your magic. 


Tuesday, February 11th:          

  - 🦄 🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒 The community is gathering in the Unicorn Wellness Studio private community! Come share a pic of your mat, share your reaction to the latest podcast, how the tarot reading landed, simply say hi. Engage with your community. Share how you're feeling, what tools are helping, or even which ones aren't resonating as much as they used to. We're here for your full experience. Click through from your UWS member Library or download the Kajabi Communities app on IOS or Android. Log in with your Unicorn Wellness Studio credentials.   


 - 🕯️🫂 Speaking of Community. 

It's important to be helping each other, always, but particularly in world that wins by separating us. Even if it feels confusing that this online community IS your community, we very much know it is. We're all real people, with real hearts, going through real things. I try not to flood us with requests for giving, but when it's one of our own, and I'm aware, I share.

There have been years where you all have helped me and mine...remember 9 years ago when my family moved back to Austin and all our dishes were broken in the move? Ya'll donated and replaced them 🥹. Remember when one of our own had a massive health scare and could not work? We raised $10K to support her healing and peace?

Well, we have a sister and a daughter in need. If it resonates, and you're able to donate to her go fund me, Stephanie, from Persephone's Sanctuary needs us. Her daughter requires an unexpected heart procedure, and post insurance the balance is $11k. Every little bit helps. Link to donate is above. Please consider donating. ❤️‍🩹 We could also just flood her with sales 🤣. Who needs a Lilith candle for their altar for Mentoring? Stock up. Pay full price. Whatever resonates. Do what calls. 



Wednesday, February 12th: 

 -🎙️🆕 EP 108 on The Magic Spark welcomes back our resident serial co-host Dionna! I hand her the reins of this episode and let her lead the conversation. We chat about Magical Mentoring, but it's so much more than just 'telling you' about it or a marketing tool (tho, it is that too...Mentoring exploration begins now). It's an opportunity to hear a heart recognition about Lilith for me, in real time, and to simply understand the roots of the work I've held space for since 2019...and intended from the very birth of this business. Please lean into this episode. There is massive healing magic in simply hearing this exchange. Think energy healing by proxy tucked in the words. Why? Because every word we speak is a spell. There is alchemy here for everyone. Listen on Spotify, Apple, or here.   


 - 🌕 ♌️ Full Moon in Leo! My favorite full moon. A Leo full moon always leads or adjusts towards our heart, asks us to step forward, to take up space, and to shine! This lunation offers us a lot of potential and possibility. Keep calm. Sort what's really yours to handle in these 2 weeks, get intuitive about all of it, recruit all your spiritual helpers, have faith in a creative miracle, coming from the weirdest place. Under this lunation, proceed as if what your heart most desires were already true. Act as if. If the outcome was already as you wished, how would that change how you're showing up in your days? 


- 💌🪄Magical Mentoring officially opens for enrollment! Emails begin today - check your inbox. I pour my heart into these 6 emails. 🙏🏽 Please, for me, at least read them. Mentoring is my true Leo heart, the deepest and thickest of my calling, so far, in this lifetime, is holding this space. It is truly the life changing magic of humaning we need. If we were all doing this work, the world would change, and is changing in at least a 5 mile radius to every mentee that participates. YES, it's self revolution work, AND it deeply affects your personal community because it changes mentees language, perceptions, and actions towards stable foundations of equity, empathy, and understanding, and action.

Wanna skip the emails and head straight to the details? 🔮Click here or skip the details and head straight to the calendar to ☎️ schedule an exploration call February 19th - 27th here. I do have a spot in 1:1 mentoring, and 2 spaces in Group Mentoring with phone calls with me. There are so many options for empowerment!


- 📺 Instagram LIVE today! Healer, Channel, Creator, and Unicorn Dana Whitby of the Inner Compass Oracle Deck and I will be LIVE on Instagram at @tandy_gutierrez at 11am CST hanging out, talking about her experiences in Magical Mentoring, and pulling some cards. Come connect as community! I haven't left the platform YET so come generate joy while I'm still there (till mid/end of March).


- 🦄 Day 1 of Frequency Full Moon #2 - You'll need a 36" high density foam roller for this workout. We begin with the full foam rolling warm up then transition to using the roller as a balance challenge to promote more strength. You'll see rolling bridges (make sure you're hydrated with this one), push-ups on the roller, a lovely rolling mermaid, and propped fish at the end. It's big but balanced under this full moon. 



Thursday, February 13th:

- 🎂🥳 Happy Birthday Unicorn Wellness Studio! Congratulations, we have a teenager! WE TURN 13 TODAY! Who knew this endeavor that we launched so long ago would be the little engine that could? It's been an emotional and full of effort journey 🤣 (I cannot tell a lie). Thanks for weaving this manifestation with me. If it resonates to post something anywhere and tag me and share with others what you love most about UWS, I'd totally receive this as a b-day offering. Here's to many more. 


🐍It's worth nothing that 13 is the number of the goddess. Stolen and demonized by the patriarchy (literally) 13 is actually good luck and represents the number of lunar cycles in a year, the average number of moon cycles those with a uterus have in a year. It represents creative life force. It honors the goddesses. It's powerful, prosperous, generative, and magical. It's everything I aim to bring to the table through this portal. Thank you for receiving the revolution around here. May the goddesses take up more space in all of our lives during this 365 day twirl around the sun! 



Friday, February 14th: 

- 👑 ❤️Aphrodite's Day + Valentine's Day. Full clarity, I do not prescribe to the hallmark holiday version of Valentine's Day. The money dump on fake love has no place in my life...and yet...this year, it's on Aphrodite's day. And the combo of red and pink together is my ultimate dopamine hit. I absolutely prescribe to any day that amplifies true love of self and others in equity, diversity, and inclusion. I'll rock that. I love out loud and fiercely and I look at today as an opportunity to do that as a collective.

As always, there's no right way to be a witch...so you do you....just know, no one requires a partner to be valid, worthy, or lovable. Today is not about amorous partnership, to me, it's about collective care and showing up simply saying, I see you, I love you, I'm here with you.....no matter what kind of relationship we have. It's circular, generative, and matriarchal. 


And as always, it's time to ask: What does my inner goddess need in order to remember she is sacred, divine, and designed to receive? And maybe today ask what the loves in your life might need in order to feel the same. See if there's any way to support them in this experience. Maybe just tell them you love them. Share a nugget of what quality you're currently appreciating about them. We all need to hear more of this. 


- ☿ 🐟 Mercury moves into Pisces.

Our divine messenger will be here for the next 3 weeks. The tone of communication, travel, and schedules (and maybe finances) shift. This shift has sensitivities on high. We may find ourselves spiraling in our head over narratives, jumping to conclusions that have us as the victim, or in hyper-optimal delusion. This shift equally ramps up our intuition, spiritual messaging, our spirituality in general. It boosts creativity. At best Pisces brings happy ending fantasy into reality. At worst, it languishes in depression, ennui, and melancholy. Find your balance to flow. This is one of those placements where doing some minimal consistent cardio can keep our mental health in a sturdier, more balanced place. Mat, meditation, cardio, hydration repeat. Check the facts. Pause on the replies. Check with your soul. Find your flow. 


Saturday, February 15th:  

- 🦄 Day 1 of Frequency Battery - No props needed today as the dial on intensity goes down in our movement cycle. You'll work with sufi rolls, spinal articulation, wheel (if its accessible), mermaid crunches, our bent knee hip series, double leg kicks, and rolling planks. There is subtle and not so subtle serpent undulation here for The year of the Snake. 


- 🌕🦁 Last day full moon energy  - Today is the last day of the fullest of this full moon's juice. If it felt like too much and drained you, restore and know the energy is dimming. In the meantime if you're enjoying all the hoopla, socialize, make the call, post the thing, dress up, take the selfie, make, make make, and do it BIG and LOUD! And a little unknown talent of Leo is what an excellent cheerleader they are for those you love SHOUT OUT AND UPLIFT THOSE YOU LOVE AND WANT TO SEE SUCCEED IN THE WORLD!



Sunday, February 16th:    

- 🪞Your weekly mantra:  

Shining is Divine.

Creative life force is the essence of all things.

Making is meant for everyone. 

Every process of progress requires mistakes, oopsies, and all out failures. 

I support myself to learn my way forward through mistakes, both real and perceived. 

I heal my way into more trying, less resistive pivots, re-imaging, re-developing, refreshing, and rebirthing. 

Expanding, growth, and evolution are inherently uncomfortable processes...but not unsafe. 

When I am uncomfortable I know it is a moment of growth, and in the future, will lead me to a moment to shine....from my heart. 



xoxo - Tandy


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