Unveiling The Hermit: A Journey of Inner Wisdom in 2025

Every year has a card of the year and it’s calculated in a super simple way.

Add up the numbers of the year.


2+0+2+5 = 9

9 in the Tarot is The Hermit, therefore, 2025 is the year of the Hermit.

This year asks us to delve into the profound wisdom of the Hermit. This figure invites us on a journey of introspection, guiding us towards inner peace and a deeper connection to our true selves. It asks for time and space to learn and plan our way forward.


The Hermit Imagery: 

In the traditional Smith Rider Waite deck The Hermit is represented by an older human figure with a long white beard, shrouded in a cloak. Their right hand is holding up a lantern with a six point star inside signifying inspired guidance and illumination. Their left hand holding a staff, representing personal strength and authority, standing in a snowy terrain that appears to be isolated, representing the potential uncomfortable conditions self revolution, self awareness, and self reflection.

The overall coloring of the card is blue and gray. Blue is the color of spiritual communication, peace, calm, and the third eye. Grey or silver is all about embracing the moon, lunar energy, intuition, cycles, our emotional intelligence, and persistence. 


The Hermit's Call:

The Hermit beckons us to turn inward. It's a time for scheduled and consistent time alone, reflection, for integrating lessons learned and cultivating inner wisdom.

It's a time of reclaiming our own attention.

The time alone is meant to be used to think and plan our way forward.

This doesn't mean isolation, but rather a conscious retreat from the external world to connect with our inner guidance. And this year, with the nodes of fate newly in Pisces and Virgo there is a major call for all of us to spend more time on our spiritual hygiene in order to strengthen our trust in something bigger than ourselves, as well as strengthening, tuning in, listening, and taking action on our magic, knowing, and inner compass.

  • Traditional Messages of the Hermit:
    • Embrace Solitude: Find time for quiet reflection, meditation, and journaling. It’s not a luxury, it’s a necessity.
    • Seek Inner Guidance: Listen to your intuition and trust your own inner compass. Especially when it’s directing you towards a weird way, authenticity, or away from the norm. 
    • Cultivate Self-Awareness: Explore your values, beliefs, and motivations…specifically through spiritual practices; meditation, somatics (tapping, shaking, pilates), hydration ←because it supports all the psychic channels. It massively asks us to define: What can your practices reveal to you?
    • Recruit Wise Mentors: Seek guidance from those who inspire you, specifically from those who have gone before you, elders, or simply those with more experience…The Hermit is the eldest in the deck and carries Crone energy. Lean into primal, old ways, origin methods, and again ....those who are further ahead on the spiritual wisdom path. They literally carry the lantern for you. Mentors and therapists are the easiest to lean into (at best, both, if you have the means and access).
    • Integrate Learning: Reflect on past experiences and sift and sort your lessons. What has never worked for you? What has always worked? Make adjustments. Put your lesson into action. If you’ve been in my Magical Mentoring; swap your sorry’s for thank you’s, use Lilithian Language, take action on what your body is telling you, even if your brain doesn't understand. 


The Hermit's Challenges:

While the Hermit encourages introspection, it's crucial to not fall into:

  • Excessive Isolation: Complete withdrawal from social interaction. No one will agree more than me that humaning is hard and humanity feels like a dumpster fire these days….however, healing happens in community. Everyone is #healed in isolation. Find your balance of being in the world and taking ample time out to restore, reflect, integrate, and discover. 
  • Overthinking: Getting lost in analysis and failing to take action.
  • Seeking External Validation: Relying on others for approval instead of trusting your own judgment.

The Hermit's Magic:

When we embrace the Hermit's energy, we:

  • Gain Clarity: We understand ourselves and our purpose more deeply. Clarity comes.
  • Develop Inner Strength: We become more self-reliant and confident in our decisions. We don't need others approval to activate better or live in integrity. 
  • Connect with Our Intuition: We learn to trust the whispers of our inner guidance.
  • Embrace Our Unique Path: We recognize that our journey is our own, and we are empowered to forge our own way. 
  • Learn to embrace the liminal space: Liminal space by definition is the space between what was and what is yet to be. It’s where we are all living, particularly in 2025 because of the astrology. It’s time to embrace we are in transition, and that is powerful.

The Hermit is the liminal space. Holding the lantern. It says always take off into the woods to meditate, listen, get quiet, connect..but always with the intention of coming back to humaning and community to put our healing and understanding to the test. Either as an actual teacher, healer, mentor or simply with our modeled behavior for others to witness and experience. 


How long that winding liminal space is where we're simply walking in the unknow takes as long as it takes. We'll be in a liminal space until we have an upgrade, breakthrough, ah-ha, or download..only the goddess knows…until we know we don’t go. We wander, in what seems loneliness like, but is the actual distinction of alone, but never lonely because of our connections to our spiritual guides, guardian angels, and Higher Self. 

And, since the hermit is the card of 2025, we can assume that this entire year will feel liminal.


I connect this card to Hekate. Because of the lamp and walking alone on an unknown path it massively calls to the presence of the Mother of All Witches who is concerned with generating better humans by supporting us to make better, more wise, grown decisions. 


Hekate is many things, but at her most simplistic teachings, she says - stand at the crossroads. Pick your next path. No more of this spiritual by-passing white-washing b.s. Of “Whatever Spirit brings me”. No. You are a soul in this incarnation. You are here to learn. CHOOSE. Cultivate discernment. Make less than optimal choices and learn forward with them. Make great choices based on connected intuition. BUT DECIDE! 


She says, "I will light your way, I will hand you the key to all locked doors or gates, when your soul is ready, and I will never leave you alone…but I will never do your work, have your adventure, or choose for you. That’s YOUR soul’s work." You're a human, here for a reason. Act like one. 


The Hermit card, in this community, when it appears, can straight up be Hekate. She’s calling you to level up in your adulting skills. To pull you into understanding cycles, empowerment, and how the push and pull of balancing our humanity and divinity actually plays out. 


I always say In the silence you will know Hekate. She is a deathly quiet goddess. As guardian of ghosts and pals of Cerberus she understands the power of letting us find our own way and not meddling.  She is a goddess of the crossroads between life and death. She wants our spiritual understanding to make a difference in this incarnation.


The Hermit card serves as a reminder of the power of inner exploration. It’s a necessity, not a luxury. It’s a part of basic care of the self. By embracing solitude, cultivating self-awareness, and connecting with our inner wisdom, we can navigate life's challenges with greater clarity, confidence, and grace.

The card is also connected to Virgo, in the Zodiac. It will have amplified energetics because the north node is currently in Virgo. Asking the collective to move out of the non-benevolent aspects of Virgo themes: Perfectionism, over analyzing, being 'so smart' as a way of getting out of doing or trying, and trying to keep things neat, tidy and clean. It offers us to embrace the mess...and what's messier than human emotions, and to embrace the phrase I don't know as a tool of power, to remind us we are not required to solve or fix everything. We're here to have a human experience, connected to our soul. Not to stress out, non stop. 

In 2025, in honor of The Hermit work with the question What influences me, when I’m not being influenced? This will support you all year long and guide you towards new paths and new decisions for forward progress to destinations you never knew you needed, or would bring joy. 


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